Helping Investors Take The Complexity Out of Crypto™
Crypto Investing Services For Your Clients
Crypto Education Services For Financial Advisors.
We Help Bring This Exciting New Asset Class To Your Clients - With Our Team Of Seasoned Professionals Helping Them Every Step Of The Way!
Learn How We Work To Increase Your Client's Profits So They Can Invest More Into Your Primary Services.
Instant Access to Expert Investing Insights 
Crypto Education Services For Financial Advisors.
We Help Bring This Exciting New Asset Class To Your Clients - With Our Team Of Seasoned Professionals Helping Them Every Step Of The Way!
Instant Access to Expert Investing Insights 
Learn How We Work To Increase Your Client's Profits So They Can Invest More Into Your Primary Services.
"Actionable Insights & Investing Tutorials Specifically Designed to Take The Complexity Out of Crypto" 
Michael Graham Walker | Founder of brightlink investments
"As a full time working mom, I knew I wanted to profit from the crypto market but simply didn't have the time to do all the research it takes to be successful. This program helped to simplify the process of adding crypto to my overall investment strategy."

- Cathy Whitlock. San Diego
"There truly is no better way to maximize your portfolio gains than by staying ahead of the crowds. The research and market updates being delivered straight to my inbox every week has become an invaluable resource for my investing strategy. Highly recommended!"

- Peter Sapen. New York
Your Client's Time is Too Valuable for Trial & Error...
We provide the information, tools and step-by-step guidance your clients need for being profitable in the crypto markets.
We specialize in providing consistent, reliable crypto investing strategies, tools and support that will save your client's countless hours that would otherwise be spent scrolling news feeds, filtering media hype, and deciphering data.

Our objective is to help them become confident and capable crypto investors so that they can then reinvest those profits back into your primary services. Here's just some of the benefits that your client's will experience:

Macro Market Analysis

Know exactly when to take action and when to hold back for better trades.

Gem Finder Reports

Get early alerts about upcoming projects before the retail market.

User Friendly Tutorials

Keep up on the latest technology and crypto investment tools.
Schedule A Call With Our Team Today!
Simple. Actionable. Profitable.
We’re going to take the complexity out of crypto so that your clients can gain clarity and confidence in this emerging market and decide for themselves how they want to leverage this once in a generation kind of investing opportunity.
"When first getting started with investing in cryptocurrencies, the challenge isn’t so much in finding information - it's FILTERING it! 

Knowing what to do, when, and where… It can feel so overwhelming. Which is exactly why I decided to provide our crypto investing education program as a white label service that Certified Financial Planners and Independent Financial Advisors could provide to their clients.

We'll provide them the tools, resources and support they need to be successful in the markets so they can maximize their profits and invest those returns into the wealth management strategies that you provide.

I believe this once in a generation investment opportunity that we have right now with crypto should be available to everyone, not just the big money traders and financial institutions. Which is why my team and I are dedicated to taking the complexity out of crypto for new investors."
- Michael G. Walker Founder, BrightLink Investments.

We've Removed ALL The Guesswork!


Schedule a Call With Our Team.


Learn How You Can Provide Our Crypto Education Services To Your Clients At ZERO Cost & Earn Commission For Every Enrollment.


Our Team Will Guide Your Clients Through Our Online Program & Show Them How To Reinvest Their Crypto Profits Into Your Primary Services.
Cryptocurrencies will cause more sweeping changes to the global markets in the just the next few years than any other technology in history! (Even more than internet) You are at the right place… at the right time. Now let’s get started!
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BrightLink Consulting DBA BrightLink Investments is not a broker/dealer, we are not an investment advisor, we have no access to non-public information about publicly traded companies. We do not supply tax or legal advice. We are not regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

We are an educational source for analyzing, learning & discussing general information related to investments and strategies. No content on our  website constitutes - or should be understood as constituting - a recommendation to enter in any securities transactions or to engage in any of the investment strategies presented in our online or offline content. We do not provide personalized recommendations or views as to whether an investment approach is suited to the financial needs of a specific individual.

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Where we present investment screens, the results should only be treated as candidates for further research, not as a buy list or set of recommendations. Screening may help to narrow a search based on pre-defined criteria but it is not a substitute for independent research reflecting your individual criteria for investing/trading.

Where we offer valuation tools and information, these are solely for informational & educational purposes so that users can easily run their own valuations. The pre-defined values are simply a starting point based on global assumptions that we have applied across the entire market – users should amend them as they see fit and not regard them as a substitute for their own judgment. Any resulting valuation outputs are necessarily generic and are not endorsed for a given stock by BrightLink.

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Investment Warnings
We would like to draw your attention to the following important investment warnings.

The value of shares and investments and the income derived from them can go down as well as up;
Investors may not get back the amount they invested - losing one's shirt is a real risk;
Past performance is not a guide to future performance.